Bold Faith With Courage Molina
Weekly podcast hosted by Pastor Courage Molina. Episodes vary in style with sermons, interviews and stories of bold faith dropping TWICE a week! Want to support the ministry? Go to to make a donation today. Also be sure to connect with Pastor Courage on all social media platforms @couragemolina and with the church @boldfaithchurch

Sunday Oct 20, 2024
Romans 8:18-27 Struggle Won't Last Always
Sunday Oct 20, 2024
Sunday Oct 20, 2024
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In this episode, we dive into Romans 8:18-27, where Paul offers a powerful reminder that our present sufferings are nothing compared to the future glory that will be revealed in us. Life’s struggles can be overwhelming, but Paul reassures us that the Holy Spirit is with us in the waiting, interceding on our behalf. We’ll explore how this passage encourages us to hold on to hope in the midst of suffering and look forward to the day when God’s full redemption will be realized. Join us as we unpack the hope of glory and the Spirit’s role in helping us endure life's challenges.
3 Key Takeaways:
Our Present Suffering is Temporary: The struggles we face now are momentary and cannot compare to the eternal glory that God has prepared for us.
Creation and Believers Groan for Redemption: Both creation and we, as believers, long for the fullness of God’s redemption, but we wait in hope for what is yet to come.
The Holy Spirit Helps Us in Our Weakness: The Spirit intercedes for us when we don’t know how to pray, giving us strength and guidance through our toughest seasons.
Connect with us on Instagram at @boldfaithchurch for more encouragement, Bible study insights, and updates on how to hold onto hope in difficult times!

Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Romans 8:1-17 The Power of The Holy Spirit
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
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In this episode, we explore the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit as revealed in Romans 8:1-17. Paul declares that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and it’s through the Spirit that we are set free from the power of sin and death. We’ll dive into what it means to live by the Spirit, how the Spirit helps us overcome our flesh, and the profound truth that we are God’s children and heirs. Join us as we unpack this rich passage and learn how the Holy Spirit empowers us to live in freedom, righteousness, and intimacy with God.
3 Key Takeaways:
No Condemnation in Christ: Through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, we are no longer condemned but are set free from the law of sin and death.
Living by the Spirit: The Holy Spirit empowers us to overcome the desires of the flesh and live in alignment with God’s will, producing righteousness in us.
Children and Heirs of God: As believers, we are adopted into God’s family, and through the Spirit, we have the assurance that we are His beloved children and co-heirs with Christ.
Connect with us on Instagram at @boldfaithchurch for more Bible study insights, Spirit-filled encouragement, and updates on how to live empowered by the Holy Spirit!

Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Romans 7:14-25 The Struggle is Real
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
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In this episode, we dive into one of the most relatable passages in Scripture—Romans 7:14-25, where Paul describes the internal struggle between wanting to do good and falling into sin. As believers, we often find ourselves in this same battle, torn between our desire to obey God and the pull of our sinful nature. Paul’s transparency gives us hope as we recognize that we are not alone in this struggle, and that victory comes through Jesus Christ. Join us as we explore the tension between our flesh and spirit and discover the solution that only Christ can provide.
3 Key Takeaways:
The War Within: Even as believers, we experience a constant battle between our desire to do good and the sinful tendencies of our flesh.
The Power of Sin: Though sin continues to wage war in our bodies, it no longer has ultimate power over us because of Christ's victory.
Christ is Our Deliverer: In the midst of this struggle, Paul reminds us that deliverance comes through Jesus Christ, who gives us the strength to live in freedom.
Connect with us on Instagram at @boldfaithchurch for more encouragement, Bible study insights, and updates on how to grow in faith amidst life’s challenges!

Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Romans 7:7-13 What's the Law's Purpose
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
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In this episode, we explore Romans 7:7-13, where Paul clarifies the purpose of the law and its role in revealing sin. Was the law itself sinful? Paul answers with a resounding no. Instead, the law acts as a mirror, exposing sin and showing us our need for a Savior. Join us as we discuss how the law highlights the destructive power of sin and why it ultimately points us to the grace and life found in Christ. Together, we’ll uncover the deeper purpose of the law and its place in God’s plan for salvation.
3 Key Takeaways:
The Law Reveals Sin: The law is not sinful but exposes the sin that already exists, helping us recognize our need for redemption.
Sin’s Deceptive Power: Sin uses the law to provoke rebellion within us, but it’s the sin, not the law, that leads to death.
The Goodness of the Law: The law is holy and good, designed to show us the seriousness of sin and our dependence on God's grace through Christ.
Connect with us on Instagram at @boldfaithchurch for more insights, community updates, and encouragement in your walk with Jesus!

Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Romans 7:1-6 United to Christ
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
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In this episode, we explore Romans 7:1-6, where Paul uses the analogy of marriage to explain our relationship with the law and Christ. Just as a widow is no longer bound to her late husband, believers are no longer bound to the law but are now united to Christ. We’ll unpack what it means to be released from the old way of living and how our new union with Christ empowers us to bear fruit for God. Tune in as we discuss this transformative shift from law to grace and how it impacts our daily walk with Jesus.
3 Key Takeaways:
Released from the Law: Through Christ’s death, we are no longer bound to the law but are free to live in the newness of the Spirit.
A New Union with Christ: Our relationship with Jesus is one of deep connection, allowing us to bear fruit for God and live a life that honors Him.
Living by the Spirit: We’re called to serve God, not by following rules, but by living in the freedom and power of the Holy Spirit.
Connect with us on Instagram at @boldfaithchurch for more Bible study insights, community events, and encouragement in your walk with Christ!

Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Romans 6:15-23 Slave to Sin or Slave to God
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
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In today’s episode, we continue our journey through Romans 6, focusing on verses 15-23. Paul poses a critical question: Are you a slave to sin or a slave to God? We’ll explore the contrast between living under sin’s control and experiencing true freedom in obedience to God. As believers, we have a choice—either to serve sin, leading to death, or to serve God, leading to righteousness and eternal life. Let’s discover what it means to live as slaves to righteousness and embrace the life God has called us to.
3 Key Takeaways:
Freedom Through Obedience: True freedom is found in obedience to God, not in the pursuit of sin, which ultimately leads to death.
The Choice We Make: Every believer must choose whom they will serve—sin, which enslaves, or God, who offers life, purpose, and righteousness.
The Gift of Eternal Life: While sin pays the wages of death, God offers the free gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus to those who submit to His lordship.
Connect with us on Instagram at @boldfaithchurch for more discussions, Bible study insights, and community updates!

Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Romans 6:1-14
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
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In this episode, we dive into Romans 6:1-14, exploring the powerful truth of what it means to be dead to sin and alive in Christ. Paul’s words challenge us to reconsider our relationship with sin and the new life we have through Jesus. Together, we’ll unpack the significance of baptism, grace, and living as people empowered by the resurrection. Join us as we discuss how to walk in the freedom of God’s grace and leave behind the chains of sin.
3 Key Takeaways:
Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ: Through Christ's death and resurrection, believers are no longer slaves to sin but are called to live a new life of righteousness.
Baptism as a Symbol: Baptism symbolizes our participation in Christ's death and resurrection, representing our old life dying and a new, transformed life emerging in Him.
Living in Freedom: Grace is not a license to continue in sin but an empowerment to live in freedom, walking in alignment with God's will and purpose for our lives.

Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Romans 5:12-21: Embracing Faith and Family: Uniting with Christ
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
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Welcome to Bold Faith with Courage Molina, where we empower you to become who God has called you to be. This episode dives deep into the teachings of the Apostle Paul from Romans 5:12-21, exploring the profound contrast between Adam and Jesus. Discover how sin entered the world through one man, Adam, but redemption and eternal life come through Christ.
Join Pastor Courage Molina as she unpacks the importance of understanding the truth of God's word, the significance of family in faith, and the invitation to join God's family just as you are. With a focus on inclusivity and the power of individual faith, Pastor Molina encourages listeners to embrace their identity in Christ and live boldly for Him.
Don't miss the chance to connect with the Bold Faith Community Church, get involved, and strengthen your spiritual journey. Whether you are joining us live or catching the replay, this episode is a call to action to live a life of purpose and faith without hesitation or apology.

Monday Jun 03, 2024
Romans 5:1-12: God's Love
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
In this episode, we explore Romans 5:1-12, a passage that powerfully articulates the depth of God's love for us. Paul discusses the peace and hope that come from being justified by faith, the joy in suffering because it produces perseverance, character, and hope, and the ultimate demonstration of God's love through the death of Christ for sinners. Join us as we unpack these profound truths and consider their implications for our lives.
Main Takeaways:
Peace and Hope through Justification:
Paul explains that being justified by faith gives us peace with God. This reconciliation allows us to stand in grace and rejoice in the hope of God's glory.
Joy in Suffering:
Suffering is not without purpose. It produces perseverance, which shapes our character and solidifies our hope in God. This hope is not wishful thinking but a confident assurance grounded in God's love.
God's Love Demonstrated through Christ:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. This ultimate act of love shows the extent of God's commitment to our salvation and the profound nature of His grace.
Action Steps:
Reflect on Justification by Faith:
Spend time in prayer and meditation, thanking God for the peace and hope that come from being justified by faith. Consider how this truth impacts your daily life and relationship with God.
Embrace Suffering with a New Perspective:
Identify areas in your life where you are experiencing suffering or challenges. Reflect on how these experiences can produce perseverance, character, and hope. Ask God for strength and wisdom to see these trials through His perspective.
Share the Message of God's Love:
Take a moment to share the message of God's love demonstrated through Christ with someone in your life. This could be through a conversation, a note, or a social media post. Emphasize that God's love is unconditional and available to all.
Connect with us on IG @boldfaithchurch

Monday Jun 03, 2024
Romans 4: By Faith
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Welcome to this episode of our podcast, where we dive into Romans 4 and explore the profound message of justification by faith. In this chapter, Paul emphasizes that righteousness is credited through faith, not works. Using the example of Abraham, Paul illustrates how faith in God's promises brings about righteousness, a principle that applies to all believers, both Jew and Gentile.
Key Points Discussed:
Abraham's Faith: How Abraham believed God's promises, and it was credited to him as righteousness.
Faith vs. Works: Understanding that righteousness comes through faith, not by adhering to the law or performing good works.
Universal Application: The message that justification by faith is available to all, breaking down barriers between Jew and Gentile.
Implications for Believers: How this teaching impacts our understanding of faith, grace, and our relationship with God.
Reflection Questions:
How does Abraham’s example challenge your understanding of faith and works?
In what ways can you apply the principle of justification by faith in your daily life?
How does this chapter influence your view of God’s promises?
Action Items:
Spend time reading and meditating on Romans 4 this week.
Reflect on areas in your life where you may be relying on works rather than faith.
Share your insights and reflections with our community in the comments section.
Follow us @boldfaithchurch on IG